Building Progressive organizations


Supporting progressive, self-managing organizations

We believe that the future of progressive organizations lies in embracing self-management. In a dynamic business landscape, traditional hierarchical structures often struggle to keep pace with the rapid changes and demands of the modern workplace. Progressive companies understand that fostering an environment of autonomy and empowerment is not just a trend but a strategic necessity. By transitioning to a self-managing organization, you unlock a myriad of benefits – from heightened employee engagement and innovation to increased adaptability and resilience.

The Flow Hive is your guide on this transformative journey, helping you harness the full potential of your team and drive unparalleled success in an ever-evolving business world.

What we offer


Gain insights into your current organizational structure and identify areas for improvement with our thorough assessments. Understand the readiness of your teams for the transition to self-management.

Coach, Train & Mentor

Equip your leadership and team members with the skills and mindset needed for a self-managing organization. Our training programs are designed to foster collaboration, ownership, and effective decision-making.


The transition to a self-managing organization is a process, not an event. Benefit from our ongoing support and consultation to navigate challenges, refine strategies, and ensure a smooth evolution towards optimal flow.

Are you ready to unleash
your team’s potential
and drive resilient growth?

Let’s take some time to get to know each other.
Click below to book a 30 min call with us.

On the shoulders of Giants

Self-managing organizations are not a futuristic idea.
Many companies have successfully made this transition and thrive on the benefits.
If you like to know more, we recommend reading:

  • Reinventing Organizations – Frederic Laloux
  • Turn the Ship around – David Marquet
  • The Haier Model – Yangfeng Cao
  • Corporate Rebels – Joost Minnaar & Pim Morree
  • Brave new Work – Aaron Dignan
  • Sociocracy 3.0 – Jef Cumps
  • Teaming – Amy C. Edmondson


Embrace a new era of organizational excellence by joining The Flow Hive community.
Connect with like-minded CEOs and leaders who are pioneering the shift towards self-management.
Exchange challenges and best-practices, connect on your shared vision and build long-lasting relationships.
Together, let’s build resilient, innovative, humane and thriving companies