Optimizing Flow


Maximize Flow through strategic and operational alignment

Have you ever thought about how the structure of your organization influences outcomes?
Conway’s Law highlights the crucial link between the architecture of your organization and the products or services you’re developing.
Aligning everyone in your organization on your vision is just as important as aligning your structure to your goals.


Simplifying processes, clear and effective boundaries, breaking dependencies and decentralizing decision-making will contribute to an organization in which teams can take full ownership and where they feel empowered to experiment and innovate. We will work with you to identify blockers to Flow and support you in solving them.

Cognitive Load

A crucial blocker to Flow is cognitive overload. Managing the Cognitive Load of your teams will not only increase quality and productivity, but it will also ensure your people don’t burn-out. Bringing change to the organization in any shape or form, will require your people to learn, adopt or incorporate new things. Ensuring people feel comfortable, have the ability to learn and be part of the change, will guarantee faster and higher return on investment. We guide your teams in assessing their cognitive load and identifying ways in which it can be managed.

Holistic Approach

Improving Flow requires a holistic approach. In order to optimize Flow and remove blockers, we work on every aspect of the socio-technical system in your organization. This means optimizing and aligning People, Technology, Organizational Structure and the Products or Services.


We focus on transferring knowledge to your organization.
This will enable you to keep optimizing the Flow in your organization, regardless of the changes and challenges you might face. We believe strongly in teaching you the principles and patters which will guarantee sustainable results. This means that our own metric is ’time to leave’. The sooner we can leave your organization, knowing you’ve absorbed the learning, the better we did our job.

How can we enable your Flow ?

Book a 30min call with us to get to know each other

Why Team Topologies ?

Team Topologies offers vocabulary, patterns and insights which will enable your organization to continuously improve and adapt.
This approach to adaptive organizations, fits into our mission of delivering sustainable results. Furthermore, the insights from Team Topologies are a perfect fit with other practices and ideas promoting a team-first mindset, decentralized decision-making and more humane workplaces.

In our collective, we all have vast knowledge on Team Topologies, some are Team Topologies Advocates and Erica Engelen is a Valued Practitioner, working with the core Team Toplogies team.


Workshops & Talks

We offer workshops on Team Topologies for both teams and diverse groups. Both onsite and online. We can also tailor the workshops to your specific situation or needs.
Reach out to us for more information

Team Topologies Foundations
Team Cognitive Load
Blockers to Flow
Team Topologies for CEO’s
Team Topologies for Managers

Our collective has experience in giving presentations and talks at conferences and tailored to organizations. We have several subject or can create talks at your request.
Reach out to us for more information

The Adaptive Organization
Mind Blowing Change
The Innovation Mindset
They won’t sell Hotdogs