Cloud Adoption & DevOps


Adopting and Scaling Cloud

Cloud technology enables you to get fast feedback from running systems, to quickly set up environments in which you can experiment and – ultimately – enables you to respond to customer demands faster. In order for that to happen, work needs to flow fast through your organization. In many cases, Cloud technology requires the entire socio-technical system of your organization to be optimized in order to get the return of investment you desire.


Why Cloud? This is a question which should directly relate to your business strategy. Cloud is the enabler to achieve your goals – not the goal itself. We listen to really understand your expectations and ensure alignement.

Alignment isn’t only crucial between your business and cloud strategy, but also between all stakeholders. Ensuring the buy-in and understanding of everyone (business & IT) on the changes Cloud brings and the changes it requires, is essential to adoption and sustainable results.


In order for Cloud to enable fast feedback, the organization should enable fast flow. We support you to improve both your application architecture as your organizational architecture to optimize the Flow of work through your organization.

Monoliths do not only exist in application architecture but also in mindset. We use Domain Driven Design, User Needs Mapping, Wardley Mapping and Independent Service Heuristics to help you identify boundaries and natural fracture planes. Ultimately, this will bring more ownership to individual teams, ensuring the Fast Flow which Cloud requires.


Cloud technology will require a new way of working. Building Cloud Native applications, shift left in testing and security, automation and autonomous releases will transform your teams and your organization.

Ensuring Cloud adoption and scalability, requires you to look at its impact holistically. We support you in ensuring the entire socio-technical system of your organization is optimized to enable smooth adoption. This means minimizing the cognitive load of your teams, building platforms as a product, breaking dependencies and unblocking Flow.

Cloud requires many perspectives

Since Cloud technology impacts every single aspect of your organization, we offer to guide and support you with a very diverse team of unique specialists. In our community, we have Cloud and Application Architects, Organization Design Experts, FinOps experts and DevOps experts. With an holistic view and aligned understanding of your organization, we ensure smooth adoption and set you up to scale Cloud effectively through your organization.

Are you ready to achieve
Fast Flow enabled by Cloud?

Contact us today to embark on your journey with The Flow Hive.
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